I’m deciding on how to spend my garden budget this year. With the amount of seeds I’ve saved, contacts made and plants well established for propagating I’ve got a little more garden moolah to go around.
I’ve done the important stuff like join the Koanga Institute, and ordered my fruit trees. And now I may go squander some cash on this little delight – a timelapse garden video camera!!
“The camera takes a picture at one of six pre-determined intervals (one minute to 24 hours) and combines them into a single 1280 x 1024 resolution AVI movie file for easy playback on a computer. It has a light sensor that turns off the camera at dusk and back on at dawn, allowing for continued video capture each day.”
Ha! This is the best thing I’ve seen on Blotanical yet! The reason that I’d want one though is to find out who (of my two terriers) is responsible for biting the tomatillos, tomatoes and what-have-you. I don’t like to scold them unless caught in the act, but I know that it isn’t some other critter coming in from the woods. Our property is well fenced in!
Brilliant idea – another reason I can justify buying one – security! Thanks so much