Entries by HMN

I Love Bees

Honey bees are the bee’s knees. They make beeswax, propolis and royal jelly. They also make some of the best tasting stuff on the planet – honey – a complex food containing many minerals and healing properties and contains 75% sugar. You’ve probably heard of it. You should be eating some every day. Bulk buy […]

Epsom salts

If clover starts growing in your vege patch, I’ve been told it’s a sure sign of nitrogen deficiency. I’m picking that’s right given the space that used to be occupied by my under-achieving heavy-feeding brussels sprouts now has a lovely patch of clover, coming up through the pea straw. I’ll be adding lots more organic […]


Zucchini blossom end rot

So I was wondering why the zucchini plants growing in one bed were half the size of the ones growing in another. The answer became apparent as the zucchs set. The soil in one bed is lacking in calcium. The signs being a nasty little problem called Blossom End Rot. I’m ok with it as […]

Basil pesto

I had the sincere joy of of prancing through a huge greenhouse of culinary herbs yesterday. And I picked a shopping bag full of deliciousness – mainly basil. All destined for pesto… My pesto recipe isn’t a strict one. Basically, I chop a whole lot of basil, a couple of cloves of garlic and pinenuts […]

Flower: Zen gaming for PlayStation3

I’m a firm believer that there needs to be a lot more variety in gaming. Flower, a soon-to-be-released ‘zen game’ for the PlayStation 3 certainly ticks that box. “You are a gust of wind inside a flower’s dream and you must carry petals to other flowers in order to progress to the end of the […]

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Learning From The Elders on The Internet

Terrific work is happening in the recording of traditional food knowledge (TFK) from indigenous people around the world. TFK refers to the cultural tradition of sharing food, recipes and cooking skills and techniques and passing down that collective wisdom through generations. I see this as a very important for two reasons: 1 – To help […]


St John’s Wort

It’s a beautiful sunny, summer day and my garden is rocking right now. I’ve been in a fairly lazy mood pottering around, taking some photos, pulling some weeds. It’s been a great day. My St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum) is looking fantastic . The bright yellow flowers are looking resplendent. Today I’m going to bottle […]


One of my favourite garden chores is watering. There is something incredibly therapeutic about coming home from a hard day in the office to go out and take water to your thirsty little plants. And they look so pretty when they’re all wet and shimmery. Problem be though, that this neck of the woods, like […]

The Guide to Good Wood

Greenpeace has published it’s Good Wood Guide in time for Christmas shopping. Now you’ll know if that beautiful incense holder that you want to buy for your sister comes from sustainable / responsible sources or not. Thanks guys!